...The Pioneer in Security...

About Us...

NetAxle Network Security Corp.

Founded in 2002, is expert in developing, researching and innovating the management and information security of Internet. Today, the Internet has made everyone our virtual neighbor. The more complex environment of network architecture increases the more attack and theft of services we ever suffer. Even being protected by Firewall does not protect the servers security from inside network. NetAxle Networks solutions help business, communities, and governments reduce their bandwidth, improve their security, and provide the best protection available. NetAxles products and solutions implement from Layer2 to Layer7 provides. Our unique technical V NetIRS, can help ensure your network functions optimally, making sure the processes, services and people are in place to achieve the highest levels of security for your organization. While you want to implement an off the shelf solution to fit all needs, NetAxle also provides a customize solution, for maximum protection.


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